Getting Results For Our City


Prison Site Development

When I was first elected to the Draper City Council in 2007, I began working on the concept of moving the Utah State Prison. I built a solid relationship with Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams, the Salt Lake County Council, the Speaker of the House Greg Hughes, Senate President Wayne Niederhauser, and many other key state leaders. 

Because of my good relationships, I have been directly involved in the vision plan for the site.


Open Space

I love living in Draper! One of the reasons I love it is because of our incredible Corner Canyon.  I, like most of you, supported the Corner Canyon Open Space Bond. I have a proven track record in voting to purchase, protect, and develop trails and open space for everyone to enjoy. I will continue to be a leader on this issue. But, talk is cheap. Look below for specifics on what I have done as your mayor to protect our open space.


Public Safety

Draper City is very fortunate to have one of the finest local police departments in the state. We have dedicated officers that serve us well. Our police department is ours. It is funded and operated by Draper City. Local control means problems are much easier to fix, and creative solutions are much easier to implement.  

When I was first elected to the Draper City Council in 2007, Councilman Summerhays and I started discussing the idea of Draper creating its own fire department. As our contract's cost increased every year, I talked with the city manager, city attorney, and other council members about our options.



I care about clean air, less traffic congestion, and high-quality economic development. I accepted an appointment to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Board by then Speaker of the House Becky Lockhart because I care about these important issues and hoped to make a difference. At the time of the appointment, I was a Draper City Council Member.

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Economic Stability

Draper City is one of the lowest taxed cities in the State. We are almost built out on the residential side. Our future quality of life and low taxes depends on how we finish our commercial sites. Keeping taxes low yet still providing quality government services and government amenities takes planning and vision.  To secure our future, we need to make sure we have high-value developments in our remaining commercial areas.

We need quality employers and retail businesses in our city to increase our sales tax revenue. One-third of our city budget comes from sales tax! Sales tax is our lifeblood, and because of this, quality development plays a central role in our future.  


Partnerships That Benefit Draper

Trust and understanding are the currency of government. As you know, so much of our lives are about relationships. People have to be able to take you at your word and have faith and trust that you will stand up and do the right thing even when the press is not good. In local government, good relationships are essential. We work with the county, the state, UTA, UDOT, and other government entities all of the time.

One of my skills is my ability to forge and maintain good working relationships with other leaders. I know how to work with people no matter their political ideology. I know how to build consensus on issues that matter to us.