Prison Site Development

When I was first elected to the Draper City Council in 2007, I began working on the concept of moving the Utah State Prison. I built a solid relationship with Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams, the Salt Lake County Council, the Speaker of the House Greg Hughes, Senate President Wayne Niederhauser, and many other key state leaders. 

Because of my good relationships, I have been directly involved in the vision plan for the site.

Why move the Prison? 

Presently, the prison site is not taxed. Thus, Draper City, Canyons School District, and other government entities receive zero dollars from the site. It’s a 700-acre tax black hole. The prison site sits entirely within Draper City limits yet is owned by the State of Utah. The prison site is one of the single most valuable pieces of real estate in Utah. If we can get the land generating tax dollars and provide high-paying jobs, it will change the game.

Just imagine what 700 acres (in an even better location) will generate if properly developed into the Silicon Slopes! If developed correctly, the prison site is a game-changer for Draper City, Salt Lake County, and the State of Utah. My goal has always been to see this incredible parcel of real estate be developed and producing tax revenue, high-paying jobs, and economic prosperity for the future.

So what have I done as your mayor to make this a reality?

  • I served on the original Prison Relocation and Development Authority board (PRADA), and I advocated strongly for the concept of a large mixed-use development in Silicon Slopes.   

  • Next, I was appointed the Point of the Mountain Commission, which was charged with formulating general concept plans for the entire point of the mountain area.

  • On the Point of the Mountain Commission, I was selected to serve on the subcommittee that chose the consultant, Envision Utah, which conducted substantial public outreach and then formulated the scenario for how future development in this area should occur.

  • I oversaw the creation of an artistic rendering of what I hoped would happen on the prison site. Frankly, it helped jumpstart the conversation, and our artistic rendering demonstrated to the State that Draper City is ready to lead out as a true partner in seeing this site reach its best potential.  

  • I worked closely with the Utah Legislature to create the Point of the Mountain State Land Authority (The Point). I made sure the Office of Draper Mayor was a statutory part of the Authority. The Point is now tasked with developing the prison site.

  • I serve on the UTA Local Advisory Board. From that position, I have advocated for the planning and development of the transportation system that we will need to make sure that we can still have clean air, less traffic congestion, and high quality of life with the coming growth. I’m an advocate for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) from the prison site south to Utah County. BRT is an affordable, flexible transit that will work.    

Now is NOT the time to change your mayor. Make no mistake about it; the prison site is going to be developed. The State does not need our permission or land use authority to develop the site. They would like it, but they don’t need it. I have made sure that we are their partner and have given us a significant voice in how it will be developed. Just this year, I made sure that Draper City, by statute, will provide municipal services to the Point. This is going to be an amazing partnership with our State and will we will be rewarded with the tax benefits, high-paying jobs, and amazing economic opportunities. I have worked hard to keep us in the mix to make sure we are part of the plan.