Public Safety

Draper City is very fortunate to have one of the finest local police departments in the state. We have dedicated officers that serve us well. Our police department is ours. It is funded and operated by Draper City. Local control means problems are much easier to fix, and creative solutions are much easier to implement.  

When I was first elected to the Draper City Council in 2007, Councilman Summerhays and I started discussing the idea of Draper creating its own fire department. As our contract's cost increased every year, I talked with the city manager, city attorney, and other council members about our options.

When I was elected Mayor in 2013, I sat on the UFA board. As I participated in that position, it became clear to me that Draper citizens would be better served with our own local city fire department. So in 2016, after years of research, study, and discussions with our great city manager, I approached the city council about creating the Draper City Fire Department, and I was very pleased that it passed 4-1.

Once we were out of UFA, the work really began. We had one year to start our new fire from the ground up. I went to work, and I quickly found an outstanding fire chief. I appointed Chief Clint Smith to the job on September 20, 2017. Clint is the son of our former great Mayor Darrell and Launi Smith and was born and raised in Draper. Not only does he truly care about Draper, but he is also a highly trained and respected firefighter/paramedic with a track record of successful leadership. Clint went to work and has staffed and equipped our new Draper City Fire Department. We officially started on July 1, 2017.  

Why do it?  

  • First, local control. Like with our police department, we have a fire department that works exclusively for Draper City and meets our specific needs.

  • Second, cost control. Now we will actually completely control our costs because we will set our budget. We also receive 100% of the ambulance revenue to put back toward our amazing public safety services.

  • Third, community engagement. Now our fire department is ours. It will respond to our specific needs and weave itself into our great city.  

It took leadership to make this happen. Many people told me we would fail, that we would never be to provide quality service, they said no one would want to work for us. Well, when we posted our firefighter jobs, we had over 400 applicants for 40 positions! Our Draper Fire Department is amazing and a recognized leader and member of the greater public safety community. Quality service, cost control, and community engagement at their best.

I know how to solve problems. I know how to think outside the box, and I am not afraid to make hard decisions and fight for what makes sense for our city. I know how to work with the Council, and I understand what it takes to lead. I can take criticism. I know how to stick to my guns on any issue I believe in. This was the best course of action for the future of Draper and her residents. Iā€™m proud to have lead the effort, and I know it will be a great asset to Draper for years to come.